Pro Imaging CONNECT brings leaders together

The inaugural Pro Imaging CONNECT, held April 12-13, 2019 at the Mission Hills Resort and Club, Howey-in-the-Hills, Fla., brought together an array of imaging professionals for one-and-a-half days of content-rich sessions. Session topics included Kaboom! Thoughts about the Future of School Photography, with Mark Schoenrock, PSP Consulting, sponsored by CaptureLife; Selling the Digital Experience in Photography, with TW Woodward, The Hanging Pixels Podcast; The Role of Printing & Output in Today’s Photography Market, with David Haueter, Keypoint Intelligence – InfoTrends, sponsored by Mediaclip; The Legal Protection You Need to know, with Darren Spielman, Esq, Kain Spielman PA; Greatest Threat to School Photography, with Mike Watkinson, CTO, Edge Imaging, and Dan Boudreau, CEO, Edge Imaging, with discussion led by Jordan Moore; and New Business Concepts Panel, featuring Ron Mohney, The Print Refinery from IPI Member Network, and Haim Ariav, Glossy Finish.
The day concluded a focus on the hot home decor segment: The Big Reveal: Online Design and Digital Marketing Trends Every Entrepreneur Should Watch, with Ginger Hartford, EurDesign Studio, sponsored by ColorCentric Corp., and Output Services in the Home Decor Market panel, with Marie-Eve Lemieux, Mediaclip and Jennifer Lamm, Felix Schoeller North America. The panel discussion was led by Hartford.
“As I attended the conference I was able to benefit from the speakers and make valuable connections,” said Michael Stone, Alexander’s Inc., Lindon, Utah. “The Pro Imaging CONNECT Conference is a great way to bring people together from the photo, photo technology, and printing spaces into a collaborative environment to advance the market.”
The event was presented by Pro Imaging Expo and was programmed by The Dead Pixels Society.

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